📱 0917-897-9701 | 0917-7760-656
🕑 Monday to Saturday | 8am - 5pm    🕑 Sunday | 9am - 12pm

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Pajonic Driving School

Pajonic Driving School


PAJONIC FAMILY enjoyed full day of sports and team building, exercising everyone’s competitiveness, sportsmanship, team work and camaraderie. Played basketball, badminton and dodge ball. Sharing photos here for everyone.

Complete at your own pace!

Congratulations to PAJONIC DRIVING SCHOOL students who successfully finished their ONLINE Theoretical Driving Course (OTDC) JULY 1-15 (Part 2) !!! Online TDC Complete at your own pace Issuance of LTO Certificate LTO Accredited ENROLL NOW


Congratulations to PAJONIC DRIVING SCHOOL students who successfully finished their ONLINE Theoretical Driving Course (OTDC) JULY 1-15 (Part 1)!!! Online TDC Complete at your own pace Issuance of LTO Certificate LTO Accredited ENROLL NOW